Friday 2 May 2014

Rough Designs

Above are the rough designs for my front cover, contents page and double page spread. Along the process, some things were altered as when it came to actually using publisher to create my pages I was unhappy with the position, colour and general lack of appeal of a few factors. On my front cover I decided to change the whole colour scheme as on completion of my pages I could easily identify that purple, green and black was an unattractive choice as the colours did not suit each other or look nearly as professional as I wanted my pages to seem. There were other small changes such as the position of feature stories and what was written as the feature stories. Other than this, the only thing changed was the colour of the typography in which I had designed the bold words 'THE TRUTH'. Originally, I had designed them to be orange as I wanted it to have connotations that the truth was something dangerous and fiery. However, it did not take long to realise that this colour choice looked awful on my page even with the new red, blue and black colour scheme. So instead I chose a white typography to symbolise that instead of dangerous this particular truth was something innocent and pure, thus capable of setting the artist free of his burden. I feel that my contents page changed the most. The whole position of my image changed as did the title 'contents'. Also, of course the colour scheme was changed to the more preferred red, blue and black. Finally, due to the adjustment of the image the text had to be moved. So instead all the the text was moved into one column arranged down the centre of the page which was different to how I had designed it yet still simple to understand as the contents page is from where the reader navigates the rest of the magazine and thus must be the easiest page to decipher. Now the double page spread was not change too much. The text and main image were kept in the same place. However, instead of the black and white images I decided to use images of black tape positioned as though they were keeping the image down. I believe this gives my magazine a more rougher, chaotic look which is what the audience would look for in a rock magazine. Also, instead of the image in the top right hand corner I chose to put in a little scrappy notepad with facts on the artist that has been written about within the article. This gives the reader a feeling of closeness with the artist and forges a sort of personal bond with them. Other than this, my double page spread remained the same.

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